I love the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25-40. I’m sure you know it. They were imprisoned unjustly, and one night, as they were praying and singing hymns, God sent an earthquake, and the doors to their cells were opened. It would have been easy for them to think that this was God's deliverance, but they sat quietly in their cells. Really?!?! Their jailer was about to take his own life, knowing that he would be killed had his prisoners escaped, but Paul called out to him, “Don't harm yourself, for we are all here.” This is, frankly, amazing to me, and a great lesson for all of us. Instead of taking what was right in front of them—the deliverance "at hand"—they saw the bigger picture of God's will. Paul and Silas weren't just looking at themselves or their circumstances. Rather, they saw the potential for God's higher purpose, and waited for that. And what happened? The jailer and his entire household were saved! Not only that, but Paul and Silas were granted their freedom as well. And I wonder what the other prisoners—who were listening to them pray and sing—thought about what they did? What kind of testimony was it to them of both Paul and Silas' faith and God's power? What a lesson this is for us...for me. Too often I get so caught up in my own circumstances that I miss God completely. How about you? Perhaps He wants to do a miracle for you and I, even through us, but we're too busy taking things into our own hands and we miss it. We get obsessed with our own goals and forget about God, His timing, and the process He may be taking us through to achieve His ends...in our circumstances, in our work, and in our lives. As believers, let’s resolve to wait and believe for God’s best and His timing, whatever our circumstances.