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Candidate Reference

Candidate Name

Jonathan Sample

Your Name

Sarah Huffman

Your Current Position

VP, Human Resources


Franklin Electric

Your Phone Number


Your Email Address

How long have you known the candidate?

18+ years

In what context? What has been the nature of your relationship?

Former direct report at Motorola

What do you admire most about the candidate?

Heart for God. Servant heart for others. Personal integrity. His mission-mindedness. I'd trust
him with my family.

What are the candidate's most obvious strengths?

Process development. Problem solving. Research and data gathering. Organization. Work
ethic. Vision to make something out of nothing. Ability to see the big picture and dream. He's a "doer" not just a talker. Jonathan's is also unafraid of working through conflict with
difficult people or situations.

On a scale of 1–5 (1=low, 5=high), how would you rate the candidate as a...



Public Speaker/Communicator




Developer of People






What is one area where you see obvious room for growth in the candidate?

Public speaking—primarily because he's comfortable not seeking the spotlight. Jonathan is very relational and unafraid to interact with strangers as well as friends. He certainly handles himself comfortably and professionally with a crowd. Like most people, additional coaching in this area would add polish and shine.

How would you describe the candidate's spiritual health?

I've participated with Jonathan in both the church and small group setting—as well as one-on-one. He has consistently struck me as someone who loves the Lord, who desires to grow and learn more about Him, and who desires to impact the world for Christ whether in small or large, visible or hidden ways.

How have you seen the candidate commit to a mission larger than themselves? How are they a Great Commission believer?

I've worked closely with Jonathan to feed, house and clothe homeless men through our church's participation in the Room In The Inn program. We did that for several years and I found Jonathan's desire to faithfully show up and passionately serve to be unwavering. He's also taken the lead organizing and implementing international missions trips because of a love for those who they were attempting to reach with the gospel as well as those participating.

Has the candidate shown the ability and capacity to build and lead a department or organization? If so, how?

Yes, no question. I watched Jonathan build and grow his pizza shop from the ground up. From envisioning, researching and designing the space, dealing with local building codes and contractors, and hiring employees, to building the necessary processes for inventory control, customer acquisition and service aspects, Jonathan was a hands-on leader.

Please choose the TOP 5–6 attributes you would associate with this candidate.

Please choose any of these same attributes that you would NOT associate with this candidate.

Please add any additional or clarifying comments re: the candidate skills and attributes above.

Jonathan is quick to rally behind the right ideas and unafraid of asking penetrating questions to ensure that the best ideas have a chance to thrive.

Would you consider this candidate's spouse to be supportive and an asset to their work and ministry?

Absolutely. I've been privy to intimate family conversations and have found Maria to stand by her man, support him, and work to help him as needed.

Does the candidate exhibit a healthy balance between work, family and personal time?

Yes. I've watched Jonathan "work hard and play hard." He's engaged with his kids and knows how to turn off the office while at home.

Leadership in the church is a sacred responsibility. Do you have any reason to believe that this candidate does not meet the Biblical standards of leadership found in I Timothy 3, Titus 1 and I Pet. 5? If so share your concerns.

No, none.

What would you anticipate this candidate's BEST contribution would be to a nonprofit organization?

Using solid research and data, Jonathan would build processes and systems upon which the vision for new opportunities and sustained growth can occur, taking it to the next level.

Any additional comments?

Jonathan is a rare find. He would bring a level of professionalism and excellence to any company because he asks great questions that get to the heart of an issue and then finds solutions to take the team to a new level.

Tim Albers

Executive Director

Nonprofits for Good

Rev. Thomas Spieler

Senior Pastor

Downtown Baptist Church—Boston

Roberta Black

Executive Assistant


Miguel Rodriguez


Central American Hydro Power

Sarah Huffman

VP, Human Resources

Franklin Electric

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