Executive Director
Fostering Success—Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
In June of 2022, the Georgia State Legislature passed an innovative and ground-breaking bill called The Fostering Success Act (HB 424), an income tax credit that will allow individuals, married couples and corporations to donate annually to support unadopted youth aging-out of foster care (typically at age 18). Essentially, this means that these “donors”—both individuals and corporations—can give to help youth aging-out of foster care from the Georgia state income taxes they would typically owe, having no real financial impact on the donor.
The Executive Director will lead the launch of this newly-formed nonprofit organization that will (1) solicit tax credit funding from individuals and corporations in Georgia with the sole purpose of distributing those funds to qualified organizations that have programs supporting youth who are aging-out of the foster care system, and (2) seek out and engage 16 and 17-year old foster care youth who are preparing to age-out of the system and youth ages 18-25 who have already exited foster care to encourage them to become part of a program that can transform their lives by helping them complete career training, find gainful employment, and become successful members of their community. The work of FSA may become a model for similar initiatives in other states.